winter home

Don’t Forget to Prepare Your Home for the Winter

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It’s that time of year again. The days are shortening, and the air is frosty. As you walk through your home, you can feel a slight nip in the air coming from all the open windows and doors left open to let fresh air in during the summer months. It’s not too late to prepare for winter though.

Winterizing your home ahead of time is essential to protecting your house over the cold months. When it comes to preparing for winter, there are some things that you might not have thought of before.

Here are some tips on how to keep winter-proof your home before the holiday guests arrive.

Install Storm Doors

storm door is a second external door that provides further protection during the harsh winter months. Storm doors are generally constructed of wood, plastic, or aluminum and provide an additional layer of insulation around your home’s entry points. The advantage here is that you will lose less heat and keep cold air out of your house.

Create a Draft Snake

The Great Depression was when people needed to save money, and the snake game proved very popular. There’s a good reason for that: They are an inexpensive method of keeping the cold at bay. You may buy draft snakes in shops or on the internet, but making your own is also simple by sewing fabric into a long tub and filling a pouch with sand or rice.

winter pipes

Pay Close Attention to Your Windows and Gutters

Expanding ice can cause a range of problems, including damaged fascia and cracked foundations. Winter maintenance is a straightforward procedure that may help you avoid expensive repairs and time in the long term.

A properly maintained gutter system keeps water from rain and melting snow off the home exterior and foundation. Rain might come in abundance during the winter, spring, and fall, depending on your location. Still, it is crucial to maintain your gutters and windows in excellent working order during the winter. Cleaning and preparing your house is difficult for anybody, requiring some knowledge. Unless you have any prior experience, you will need help with professional window and gutter cleaning companies to check for cracks and keep debris out of your gutters.

Protect Your Wood Deck

Decks are a great place to relax and entertain during the summer. If you have a wood deck, it will need special attention to protect it over the cold months. You can purchase a deck sealant or stain to preserve the wood, but you must apply it every year.

If you do not want to purchase a sealant or stain, you can cover your deck with a tarp. Ensure to secure the tarp well so that wind will not blow it away.

Secure Outdoor Plants, Furniture, and Grill

If you’re not bringing your outdoor furniture inside, be sure to cover them with tarps. Large leaves falling on the furniture can break it down and ruin it more quickly if they’re left unprotected. Just be careful about where you place them; you don’t want them blocking your neighbor’s driveway or creating an obstacle for them if they need to remove their own tarp.

If you didn’t do it in the fall, there is a good chance that your grill will be iced over, which means you may want to bring it inside until the spring rolls around again. This helps ensure you don’t accidentally start a fire or let dangerous fumes into your home.

Protect the Pipes

While you’re at it, take a look around your home exterior and check for pipes that are exposed. If there’s any chance they could freeze during the winter, be sure to wrap them up or shelter them from the cold using heat lamps if necessary. There are also coatings available today, designed primarily to protect metal piping.

Test Heating Systems and Replace Filters if Necessary

It’s a good idea to test all your home heating systems before the cold weather hits. This will help you identify any problems early on and hopefully avoid any costly repairs down the road. If necessary, it is also an excellent time to replace furnace filters, as they can become clogged with dust and dirt over time.

Remove the Batteries from Smoke Detectors and Test Them

It’s also a good idea to remove the batteries from smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors and test them. This will help ensure they’re in proper working condition when you need them the most.

Create a Holiday Emergency Kit

If you’re expecting bad weather, it’s always a good idea to have an emergency kit ready to go. This should include a first-aid kit, flashlights, batteries, matches, candles, food, water, and other necessary items. You can put this in an easy-to-carry container like a backpack or duffle bag.

These are just a few of the many ways you can winterize your home. By taking some preventative steps, you can avoid costly repairs down the road and truly enjoy your winter holidays.

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