planning renovation

Are You Ready to Move into Your New Home?

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We always like to comfort ourselves by telling ourselves that things shouldn’t be as overwhelming as they look. It’s the same thing with moving into your new home. Sure, the contractors left you an amazing abode to move into, but you just don’t jump the gun. You have to strategize how you’re moving, what you are moving, and whether you’re 100% ready to make the big move. The thing about moving is that one wrong step can lead to disaster. Hiring the wrong moving company, for example, will be catastrophic to your art collection. Bringing in a lot of your old stuff will make your new home feel old. You get the picture.

Is it All Clear?

The first thing you need to know is whether your house is ready to be moved into. This also means clearing the property of any remnants of the renovation or construction. A practical thing to do is to hire a rubbish clearance service. They do all the dirty work for you such as recycling old things, clearing out whatever needs to be cleared out, disposing of old appliances and garden waste, and just making your property a livable space.

Once it is all clear, that’s when you need to begin strategizing when to move and what to move. This is always a tricky thing to do because most of you will probably want to take everything to your new home. Here’s a tip so your new home doesn’t feel like the old home: don’t take anything you haven’t used for more than six months. Forget about those. You can live without them.

Are All Permits and Licenses Updated?

There are many public documents involved when moving into a new home. Make sure that you have all of these, so you don’t have to stress yourself over them in the future. The new home should meet all local municipal codes, especially when it comes to power lines. You should also check with the homeowner’s association for any fees that you might not have paid yet. You should clear this out for a more seamless move.


Have You Finalized the Design You Want?

Renovations take a lot of time. That’s why before moving in, you must ensure that the design you chose for the house is final. Paint the walls with the color that you will want to see every day for the next five years. Repainting walls isn’t easy because you will have to move furniture and cover the floors. Then, you’ll wait for the paint to dry before you can re-arrange the furniture back.

So, before you start settling into your new home, make sure you are totally fine with its design and layout. Remember that repainting is not the only element of home design. The proper layout will also speak volumes as to the overall look of your home. Now that people are working from home, they need more flexible areas. The demands are not the same. Some are putting up walls for privacy while others are breaking them down for a more open-space feel. What works for others might not always work for you, so make sure you’re 100% okay with your home design before you start moving in your stuff.

What Stuff Are You Buying or Taking with You?

One of the mistakes that people make when they move to their new home is to take whatever old stuff they have from their apartment or storage. The thinking is that they don’t have to buy new furniture or appliance since they’re going to make repayments for the home’s mortgage. But have you looked long and hard on your stuff? Do you want to take them with you to this new space, new design, new world? Are you sure?

While taking your old stuff seems to be the most practical thing to do given that you’re trying to save money, it is also not in the best interest of your new home. Filling it up with junk is unnecessary. Once you start doing that, what’s going to stop you from hoarding things again even though you promised that your new home is going to be mess-free and minimalist?

There are a lot of things that you need to take into consideration before you move in. From permits to the home design to the stuff you’re going to buy, everything can be a bit overwhelming. The important thing, however, is to remind yourself that this is a new beginning. Every beginning deserves a chance of a clean slate, so make sure you are choosing the best design and layout at this time in your life, as well as investing in the right furniture and appliances.

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